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Chemist Mobile App

Ignitive LIMS is accessible from tablets, smart phones and other mobile devices through our mobile APP. The data can be inserted as they are generated. The laboratory can perform operations including inserting results directly in the field thus increasing the speed and efficiency of carrying out activities.

Mobile devices have made a massive shift in the lifestyle of people all around the world and now the time has come for LIMS to dive into the smartphone club.

It is no longer necessary to be in the lab to use the LIMS or in front of the PC, for example, collection staff for environmental monitoring will no longer need to come from the sampling point and insert results in the system manually.

Ignitive LIMS mobile apps can use the features of your device (e.g. camera, gps, etc.).

It is no longer necessary to be in the lab to use the LIMS or in front of the PC, for example, collection staff for environmental monitoring will no longer need to come from the sampling point and insert results in the system manually.

LIMS.Lab mobile apps can use the features of your device (e.g. camera, gps, etc.)..

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